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Almir Rogerio Evangelista de Souza
ORCID iD Federal Institute of Alagoas (IFAL), Piranhas, AL, Av. Sergipe, s/n – Centro, 57460-000
Francilene de Lima Tartaglia
ORCID iD Center for Agrarian Sciences – Department of Agronomic and Forest Sciences (CAS-DAFS), Federal Rural Semi-Arid University, Mossoró, RN, C. Postal 137, Km 47 BR110, 59625-900
Allysson Pereira dos Santos
ORCID iD Center for Agrarian Sciences – Department of Agronomic and Forest Sciences (CAS-DAFS), Federal Rural Semi-Arid University, Mossoró, RN, C. Postal 137, Km 47 BR110, 59625-900
Fernando Sarmento de Oliveira
ORCID iD Center for Agrarian Sciences – Department of Agronomic and Forest Sciences (CAS-DAFS), Federal Rural Semi-Arid University, Mossoró, RN, C. Postal 137, Km 47 BR110, 59625-900
Manoel Galdino dos Santos
ORCID iD Center for Agrarian Sciences – Department of Agronomic and Forest Sciences (CAS-DAFS), Federal Rural Semi-Arid University, Mossoró, RN, C. Postal 137, Km 47 BR110, 59625-900
Francisco Bezerra Neto
ORCID iD Center for Agrarian Sciences – Department of Agronomic and Forest Sciences (CAS-DAFS), Federal Rural Semi-Arid University, Mossoró, RN, C. Postal 137, Km 47 BR110, 59625-900
Lindomar Maria da Silveira
ORCID iD Center for Agrarian Sciences – Department of Agronomic and Forest Sciences (CAS-DAFS), Federal Rural Semi-Arid University, Mossoró, RN, C. Postal 137, Km 47 BR110, 59625-900
Aurélio Paes Barros Júnior
Center for Agrarian Sciences – Department of Agronomic and Forest Sciences (CAS-DAFS), Federal Rural Semi-Arid University, Mossoró, RN, C. Postal 137, Km 47 BR110, 59625-900
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